Noah Wallace

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Park City - Fall Training Part 1

Over the past few years, I've always tried to come out to Park City for some fall training before the winter gets going at the Utah Olympic Park. At first only staying a few days, until last season when I decided to try and stay for a month to hit water ramps and train at the US Team gym known as the Center of Excellence (COE).  I enjoyed the time I spent last year, especially from hanging out at the COE to jump on the trampoline. Over the past few seasons though I've gotten less and less enthusiastic about coming to jump on the water ramps. While they're a great tool to help learn tricks, overall the experience began to take more and more of a toll on the body. This year though, the game changed. Starting in Mammoth this spring and now in Park City, is this new type of airbag.

Photo by: Snowboarder Mag

For most skiers, the introduction of Airbags were first off met with enthusiasm. My first introduction to them was at summer camp, and to me it was a glimmer of hope as it was for many. To be able to learn new ski tricks in a safer environment, then possibly take them to snow for that same day. So once I had opportunity to try them out, I went a little wild and tried new doubles and other tricks I had only dreamed about. Until one sunny day I tried it out, and wasn't thinking of the lack of moisture on the bag. After a couple jumps in that day, I tweaked my knee, and chilled out on the sidelines to make sure I didn't tear anything. After that experience, and talking to others it seemed that most people were met by a sketchy experience on one, and ever since then I, along with most skiers started to shy away from them.

Photo by: Windells

Last week, I finally was able to hit the new airbag with the US Team, and I can honestly say this will change the jump game progression immensely over the next couple years. I'd honestly be surprised if every country didn't have one in the next couple years. For me it's already helped me learn more in 2 weeks than I have in the past two seasons.

Bag jump essentials

Photo by: Pete O'Brien

Along with continuing to session this bag the past couple weeks, I've been staying active at the COE, hitting the tramps, and spending time with the good people of PC. 

Still in Utah for another couple of weeks before on snow training starts in New Zealand. Till then, I'm gonna continue to try some stuff on that airbag 😊.

Till next time,
